Read valuable insights about search engine optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Analytics, and ideas about how to marketing your website. From time-to-time, I’ll also publish articles about hobbies such as guitar, FreeNAS, or many other topics.
TrueNAS Virtual Machine with Ubuntu 18.04 Halting with Signal 11 March 16, 2022 - For about one week, I had an Ubuntu 18.04 installation that I've had running for years as TrueNAS virtual machine starting to fail after a few hours of running. This VM not working is not the end of the world, but I had been using this as a utility knife for all sorts of things,… Continue Reading
Proxmox ZFS Disk Replacement and Drive Expansion December 30, 2021 - Replacing a drive in a pool using the Proxmox VE 6.3 web interface doesn't allow you to replace a disk in a pool. Instead, you'll need to do it through the command line. I wrote this guide as I needed to perform this replacement myself. This guide can work on any ZFS system, not just… Continue Reading
How To Create ZFS Backups in Proxmox April 11, 2021 - Proxmox's GUI makes creating and running Virtual Environments (VE) such as Virtual Machines (VM) and containers incredibly easy, as well as managing various disks. One area where I found some difficulty was with getting a ZFS pool to be used as a backup destination for some of my VMs. I have two 1 TB hard… Continue Reading
Multiple UPS on the same NUT-Server March 21, 2021 - Previously, I've written about using a Raspberry Pi with Network UPS Tools (NUT) to manage multiple computers with one UPS device. I recently decided to use a second UPS as I started building and configuring a separate Proxmox machine that has been repurposed from my former daily driver computer. My second UPS is a APC… Continue Reading
Learning Graylog for Fun and Profit September 30, 2020 - Since I've been increasing my knowledge running my own VPS and VM servers on my FreeNAS/TrueNAS machine, I've learned the importance of logs. Whether it's a website, application, or operating system, most likely, they are producing various forms of logs. These logs hold the clues to generic operations and errors that can help you understand… Continue Reading
Using Raspberry Pi For PiHole Ad Blocking and Network UPS Tool Monitoring September 5, 2020 - When I first built my FreeNAS machine, I bought an UPS device to give it backup power in case of a power outage. But my primary computer also had a UPS device. Recently, in order to minimize the amount of equipment that I have, I decided I only wanted to have one UPS. After searching… Continue Reading
How FreeNAS and WP-CLI Grew My Interest in Linux and Automation April 6, 2020 - Last year, I built a FreeNAS server. Initially, it was only meant as a means to store my computer backups and house my music and videos. However, to do it right, meant I needed to perform commands in the shell, mostly to test the hard drives before I began to store files on them. I… Continue Reading
Clickbait Headlines and what John Mueller Says March 17, 2020 - Clickbait headlines have infiltrated our society in a negative fashion and has become quite pervasive and unfortunately persuasive. What is worse is when those headlines aren't clicked upon and read, but instead scrolled past with the headline taken as fact without reading the entire article. For example, we'll get tidbits from Googlers like John Mueller… Continue Reading
Introducing Bunk SEO March 4, 2020 - SEO is a strange industry. You can't really go to college for it, and it can take years to show competency. In my opinion, a minimum of a decade to show real maturity and expertise. Yet, the industry is flooded with individuals and companies selling unethical and black hat SEO techniques which harm their clients… Continue Reading
Automated DigitalOcean Snapshots with DOCTL December 22, 2019 - DigitalOcean snapshots are a blessing if you're clumsy like me. They've allowed to me to recover from my mistakes, and even a hacking situation. However, I've been disappointed with one aspect of DigitalOcean. Their backup plans for Droplet only create one backup per week and you cannot schedule yourself. They have snapshots which can be… Continue Reading
Plugin Update Failed: How To Fix WordPress Plugin and Theme Permission Errors December 6, 2019 - Recently, when attempting to update some plugins and themes on my WordPress installation, I can across two errors: Failure Updating Plugins An error occurred while updating <plugin name> And... Failure Deleting Plugins Plugin could not be deleted due to an error: Could not fully remove the plugin(s) my-plugin/my-plugin.php The root of the problem is that… Continue Reading
How My WordPress Website Got Hacked and How I Recovered November 26, 2019 - My WordPress website was hacked, and it was super embarrassing. Just when my recent blog post about why you shouldn't download nulled versions of BackupBuddy was starting to rank well for various keywords and gaining some decent traffic, my site began to redirect to another website. I couldn't log into my website at all. I… Continue Reading